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Why Telfort

2022 Telfort Business Institute Online Graduation Ceremony

2022-05-17 4259
Telfort Graduation Ceremony 2022 was held online at 1:00 P.M. on May 13. The leaders present at the ceremony were: Professor Chen Jiaxu, Chancellor of Telfort Business Institute and Deputy Director of SIT-International Education Center; Brian Yang, CEO of Telfort Education Group; Bob Pi, Vice-President of Telfort Business Institute and Stephen Perrot, Education Director of Telfort Business Institute. Bob Pi presided over the ceremony. All Telfort students, Chinese and foreign teachers and staff from Student Affairs Department attended the ceremony.

泰尔弗校长 陈家旭Chancellor of Telfort  Chen Jiaxu

Professor Chen Jiaxu delivered his sincere thanks to the Chinese and foreign teachers and parents of graduates on behalf of the school, as well as best wishes to all the 2022 graduates. Chen Jiaxu suggested that the graduates should make a plan for their life and career development on the premise of fully understanding themselves. As an adult they should make efforts in study and work hard, being a person who is physically and mentally healthy and has a good aesthetic taste. Finally, he hopes that the graduates will achieve their goals, be grateful to their parents, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and wish them a fulfilling life and a bright future!

泰尔弗国际教育集团总裁 杨柏CEO of Telfort Education Group  Yang Bai

Brian Yang Bai expressed his heartfelt congratulations to all the 2022 graduates, and his appreciation and gratitude to the teachers and students for their tight cooperation and unremitting efforts in teaching work during the epidemic that has lasted for more than two years. He proposed that graduates should continue to improve their time management skills, cultivate their willpower, so as to overcome various challenges that may occur while they are studying abroad. Mr. Yang believes that, as Chinese citizens and global citizens, young students should have a sense of social responsibility and make efforts in promoting social progress and creating a better life. He once again conveyed the thought of Telfort's "Scholarship, Partnership, Citizenship" to the graduates. Also he wishes the graduates a smooth study abroad and a prosperous career.  

泰尔弗教务长 史蒂文·佩洛特Education Director of Telfort  Stephen Perrot

Stephen Perrot delivered a speechat the ceremony. He affirmed the efforts and progress of the graduates in their studies over the past three years, and especially mentioned the online joint  final presentation exam for business classes a few days ago, expressing great satisfaction with the excellent performance of the graduates. He wished the graduates continuous progress and even more impressive achievements in their future life and studies.

毕业生代表 李雨鸿Valentina

Valentina Li and Bonny Chen, representatives of the 2022 graduates, delivered their speeches at the ceremony, expressing their gratitude to Telfort for its high-quality education, and also encouraged the younger students to learn English well and be prepared for their future study abroad.

毕业生代表 陈盼Bonny


The graduation photo was taken online, actually it was a screenshot of video avatars of the online members of a meeting. A video was also recorded to save this commemorative happy moment for the graduates in the special period.

中外教师的祝福 Messages from Teachers

At the end of the ceremony, the Chinese and foreign teachers sent their heartfelt wishes to the graduates one by one.


商务课外教 Mary Acosta

Let me congratulate all the students that are graduating today! 

All the hard work you‘ve done has finally paid off and you’re all ready to take the next big step in life beyond College. I was lucky enough to be part of your academic experience through these amazing and unforgettable three years. A three-year journey that If I have to describe it in one word, would be: Unprecedented. 

You have all faced a challenging college experience that has never happened before, and you overcame it, made it worthwhile...something that I would like to call: Unprecedented.

If there is one sentiment I want you to take away from this speech, it’s this: You are all capable of taking on any obstacle that may lie in your life in any country in the world at any time of your life.

While we celebrate your past academic accomplishments and activities today I want to challenge you to continue your quest for knowledge and to discover your own unique ways to contribute to our society. 

Continue to care - care about yourself...your family...your friends...and your world. And, wherever the next chapters in your life story may take you, make sure the journey includes joy!

Congratulations to the graduate students batch 2022!

The following teachers also delivered their sincere congratulations to all the graduates, please see the video~