谢菲尔德大学University of Sheffield—QS:104

地理位置:Sheffield, England, UK
学校简介:Brief Introduction: The University of Sheffield is one of the top universities in the UK and one of the top 100 universities in the world. It is located in Sheffield, the fourth largest city in the UK. The history of the school dates back to 1828. The University of Sheffield is a world-renowned teaching and research centre and one of the six best research universities in the UK. After more than one hundred years of development, the University of Sheffield has produced a number of Nobel Prize winners, and has a high reputation in teaching and research. It is one of the top five most popular schools in the UK, with more than 24,000 students from 131 countries around the world. As one of the most famous ‘Red Brick Universities’ in the UK, Sheffield University is one of the world's most prestigious universities among the many well-known universities in the UK. It is also a member of The Russell Group, the European University Union (EUA), the Federal University Association (ACU), and the White Rose University Alliance.
推荐专业:Business Research, Accounting and Finance